Bob Biniak, affectionately known as “The Bullet,” left a significant mark on skateboarding during the 1970s. Born on June 2, 1958, in Chicago, he later moved to Santa Monica, California, where his skateboarding journey began.
Biniak joined the Zephyr skateboards team, also known as the Z-Boys, in the mid-1970s. This ragtag group of skaters, based in the Dogtown area (between Venice and Santa Monica), revolutionized skateboarding by riding in empty swimming pools.
Their style clashed with the status quo, and their fame skyrocketed unexpectedly. Biniak described it as “like a hockey team going into a figure skating match” when they debuted at the Del Mar Nationals in 1975.
Biniak was a pioneer of vertical skateboarding, particularly in empty pools. His favorite spot was a pool behind a Beverly Hills mansion known as the “Keyhole.” His affinity for speed earned him the nickname “The Bullet.” His approach was reckless, full-throttle, and stylish.
Biniak’s aggressive style set the stage for modern skateboarding. He pushed boundaries and inspired others to do the same, and while he didn’t invent specific tricks, his overall impact on the sport was immense. His influence extended beyond tricks, shaping the culture and attitude of skateboarding.
Biniak rode for the Zephyr skateboards team, which included other legendary Z-Boys like Stacy Peralta and Tony Alva. His other sponsors included brands: G&S Skateboards, and Tracker Trucks.
Although he left skateboarding relatively early, Biniak’s legacy endured. He appeared as a restaurant manager in the 2005 film “Lords of Dogtown,” which fictionalized the Z-Boys’ story.
Biniak transitioned to a career as a professional golfer. He toured South Africa and Europe, showcasing his skills on the golf course, and in the 1990s, he became a salesman and owned a business selling golf equipment to Asian companies.
Sadly Bob passed away on the 25th of February, 2010 at the age of 51. His multifaceted journey exemplified the spirit of Dogtown - rebellious and passionate.
Bob Biniak Skateboarding Videos:
Bob Biniak- 1970’s Era 1 Inductee, 2020
"Loved his interviews in Dogtown and Z-boys. A real character. Last shot was from the dog bowl I think. Very cool."
"Bobby skated faster and smoother than anyone"
1970's Beverly Hills Pool Skating: Z-Boys
"The Zephyr Competition Team (or Z-Boys) were a group of American skateboarders in the mid-1970s from Santa Monica and Venice, California. Originally consisting of 12 members, the Z-boys were originally sponsored by the Jeff Ho Surfboards and Zephyr Productions surf and skate shop.Their innovative surfing-based style and aerial moves formed the foundations of contemporary vert and transition skateboarding.
Original members: Jay Adams, Tony Alva, Bob Biniak, Chris Cahill, Paul Constantineau, Shogo Kubo, Jim Muir, Peggy Oki, Stacy Peralta, Nathan Pratt, Wentzle Ruml IV, Allen Sarlo, Mike Morris"
(as with all the stickers we sell, these are 100% official in every way)
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Zoo York Cockroach Skateboard Sticker - 7.5cm high approx