"Here's an interesting one. Should skateboard tricks be sketchy? In video parts, sketchy tricks are probably pushing the boundaries further, right? A line full of perfectly clean clips could mean that the skater didn't put all their effort into coming up with something new. Let's look at a few examples to see if sketchy tricks are better."
"The best moments of vert, particularly contests, is when someone sketches out and just barely pulls off the trick when mere mortals would’ve eaten shit. I don’t know if the judges score those higher, but they should."
"i loved the sketch and jank and DIY feel of early '90s videos, they look like a legit session with your buddies"
"Funny thing, I was at a park and was admiring a skater because every trick was sketchy, but he was going fast enough and was powering through as if it was not sketchy. It was beautiful and a testament of how good he was. For example, he did a simple 50/50, but they were not locked in, but looking at him, you would never know it, he just trusted that he was going to grind somewhat, for the length of the obstacle and come out the other side as if it was perfect. Almost every trick was like that. It was soooo good to watch. So for me, sketchy tricks and lands, but going as if they are not, is great skating."
"i personally love it when the sketchy but progressive clips or misses get thrown into their own context like a credits clip or along with a raw footy dump. youd know when it was done or supposed to happen but doesnt affect or influence the final cut of the project"
"Back then most video parts were filmed in 2-3 days, not months. Frankie Hill had some of the best parts, rolling away slapping the ground and pivoting."
"Not only do I agree with what you're saying about an over focus on perfectionism potentially causing us to miss out on seeing new innovative tricks, and the obsession with landing clean using up time that could have been used to try something more difficult, I also think that purely from an aesthetic standpoint, I prefer tricks to be landed a bit sketchy. it gives an edgier, more realistic vibe to the part. It gives the impression that the trick was actually hard for the skater to land, that attempting this trick was especially dangerous for them as they easily could have bailed. I find myself more impressed because I think "Wow he actually managed to hold onto that, that was nearly a bail but he hung on and managed to roll away" To me that's even more impressive than landing something perfectly, because they had to fight just to roll away".
(as with all the stickers we sell, these are 100% official in every way)
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Zoo York Cockroach Skateboard Sticker - 7.5cm high approx