"Back in April, we asked America to submit their worst skateparks across the country for David Gravette to skate. Now, David is back with another installment of the Worst Skatepark Ever, and he's taking on America's absolute worst skatepark located in Oahu, Hawaii, submitted by Kevin Wilrig!"
"“If heaven is a halfpipe, this is hell.” - Gravette"
"David Gravette and Jason Park on the same session is proof we’re in a simulation."
"Just send Gravette on an endless road trip already and make this a weekly upload. That’s a recipe for a guaranteed YouTube channel blow up right there. The algorithm is helpless to resist."
"I fuckin love this series. Gravettes' un-stoked dry humor is truly entertaining. Keep it up, Creatures!"
"So sick! It only took 35 years for the greatest session in that parks existence to go down! Stoked you got Jason to come out for the video."
"Jason Park and Gravette in one video!? I haven't even watched yet, but can guarantee I'm gonna fucking love this."
"I can't think of any series on YouTube that has this many installments, and remains this rewarding. I don't even care if someone doesn't skate, the series offers SO MUCH MORE than just skating. It offers wisdom without intent. It offers guidance without intent. It offers a taste of what it means to struggle in the pursuit of enjoying life. Fuckin'a Peter, man."
"those have to be the gnarliest tricks ever done in existence on that thing."
"You know the people in those houses are like "who the fuck is actually skating that".
(as with all the stickers we sell, these are 100% official in every way)
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Zoo York Cockroach Skateboard Sticker - 7.5cm high approx